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Four Steps to Keep Cut Flowers Fresh Longer

      Step 1

      First use cold water in the vase. Heat will open the flowers quicker than you want. Place them in a shaded cool spot. Direct sun and warmth will open them fast. If setting them out for a party or special occasion store them in a refrigerator not touching the sides.

      Step 2

      With woody stemmed flowers like roses, cut back a few inches so the newly cut area will draw water. Remove excess leaves as well so they don't need extra water.

      Step 3

      For fleshy moist stemmed flowers like poppies singe the tip where you cut it as soon as you can. You can do this with a lighter or match. I have used a candle burning close to me in my garden area to sear them quickly when I was doing a large quantity. I have heard you can dip the tips into boiling water instead but have not tried that. The key with fleshy stems is to seal moisture in the stems. Woody stems keep drawing well. Moist stems usually don't draw well and need to be sealed to last longer.

      Step 4

      The last step that is commonly known is to add clear soda like Sprite or 7-up to the water. Crushed aspirin works well also. Charcoal bits or salt are said to work as well. You should add more of these items if you change the water.

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