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The Bud Vase

This simple design can bring the scent and beauty of flowers into every room in your home. Plus it's an economical way to try out new and different flowers!


  1. Select a narrow necked vase and fill with water (preferably containing floral food.)


  2. Cut flower stem to about twice the height of your vase. Strip stem so that no leaves will be covered by water. Place flower in vase.


  3. To give added support and beauty, add a stem or two of linear foliage or a curly twig.


  4. Last, to give your bud vase an elegant, balanced look, insert a few small leaves at the rim of the vase.
  • Tip -- Be imaginative with bud vases! Beautiful perfume bottles, recycled spice jars, or antique apothecary bottles can all hold a stem or two of flowers.
  • Tip -- Bud vases can make inexpensive, personalized gifts. Select a favorite flower and place it in a collectible vase. Or to dress up a plain vase, simply wrap a pretty ribbon around the neck.
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