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Flowers Are The Perfect Gift For Father's Day

Dads everywhere have Sonora Smart Dodd to thank for getting Father's Day started. In 1909, Sonora sat in a church in Spokane, Washington listening to a sermon expounding on the virtues of motherhood. But, as she sat there, she thought about how special her own father was since it was he who raised her after the death of her mother. She saw him as a loving, kind, self-sacrificing, and amazing man and knew that there were many fabulous fathers just like him who deserved their own day to be celebrated.

Father's Day Flowers

Flowers are a wonderful gift of nature. Everyone likes them. Flowers portray love, happiness, joy and all the other positive emotions. Since time immemorial flowers have been an integral part of eve

Chinese Flowers

Utilizing the Symbolic Meanings of Chinese Flowers Chinese flower symbols represent the natural nectar that brings growth, fulfillment and new, prosperous beginnings into our lives.In Feng Shui, many f

Mother's Day The Natural Way

When spring comes, you can't help but appreciate the wonders of Mother Nature. So it's fitting that spring also brings a time to appreciate mothers. Why not celebrate Mom and Mother Nature with a natu

Gifts for guys tips

What is the right gift for that man in your life? That can be a real dilemma for a woman. After all, what is it that a man wants? What gift would be right for him? In some way's findin

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