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Adonis (botany)

Adonis (botany), genus of annual and perennial herbs (see Buttercup) containing about 20 species, grown for their showy flowers. They attain a height of about 30 cm (about 12 in) and have alternate, finely cut ...

Spring Beauty

Spring Beauty, common name for a category of small, spring-blooming wildflowers that thrive in the rich, damp soil of woodlands. Spring beauties are native to Europe and the Americas and are sometimes grown in rock gardens and woodland gardens. They ...


Jasmine or Jessamine, common name applied to plants of two genera: true jasmines and false jasmines. The true jasmines are a genus of shrubs and climbingJasmineplants, including about 450 species, most of which are native to tropical regions of Euras...

Send flower's art

The presentation of flowers is a scholarship, and also is an art. with flowers to express the language is too rich. Have you grasp the deeper significance when you accept the flowers? Do you feel a bit confused when preparing to present flowers? Do y...

Official Trees and Flowers

In the spring of 1987, delegates to the Sixth Session of the Eighth Municipal People's Congress, meeting in the Great Hall of the People. Overwhelmingly approved the scholar tree and oriental cypress as the official city trees, the Chinese rose and t...
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