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KALANCHOE -- Plant Care

KALANCHOELIGHT: Bright light. Ideal temperatures 65F-78F for continued flowering.WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.FERTILIZER: Only use fertilizer...

HYDRANGEA -- Plant Care

HYDRANGEALIGHT: Bright, indirect light. Cool temperatures 60F-65F.WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.FERTILIZER: After blooms have withered, feed w...

HOUSEPLANT -- Plant Care

HOUSEPLANTLIGHT: Full or partial sun. Avoid harsh mid-summer sunshine.WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.FERTILIZER: Feed with an all-purpose indoo...


GERBERA DAISYLIGHT: Direct sun, but can tolerate partial shade.WATER: Water regularly when soil is dry to the touch. When watering, soak the soil thoroughly each time. Allow excess water to drain never allowing plant to sit in water.FERTILIZER: Durin...

GARDENIA -- Plant Care

GARDENIALIGHT: Bright, direct light. Requires evening temperature no warmer than 62F to set blossoms.WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.NOTE: Pinch...
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