CALLA LILYLIGHT: Bright, indirect light. Ideal temperatures 60F-70F during the day and 55F-60F during the night.WATER: Water regularly to keep the soil evenly moist but never soggy. Reduce frequency of watering when flowering ends.FERTILIZER: When pl...
BULB PLANTLIGHT: Moderate light. Cool temperatures 60F-65F. Avoid excess heat or cold.WATER: Thoroughly water when just the soil surface is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.FERTILIZER...
BONSAI - INDOORLIGHT: Full to partial sun. For best results, place near windows facing southeast or west.WATER: Water thoroughly every 3 days. Never allow bonsai to completely dry out. Humidity trays are recommended to help capture excess water and c...
BLOOMING PLANTLIGHT: Bright indirect light. Moderate temperatureWATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid over-watering. Never allow plant to sit in water.FERTILIZER: After blooming, feed with an all-pur...
AFRICAN VIOLETLIGHT: Bright, indirect light. Ideal temperatures 68F-75F.WATER: Thoroughly water when soil is dry to the touch. Keep soil evenly moist but avoid over-watering. When watering, best to sit pot in a ½” deep water for 1 hour.F...