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All About Sympathy Flowers

According to a study conducted by the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, after family, friends, and eulogy, flowers rank first among those who have lost a family member or friend as the most meaningful aspect of funerals. Furthermore, at a time of loss,...

Delivery Local Florists All Working Together

      Flowers by wire may be a mysterious term to some, but it's the most popular way to send flowers across the country or around the world, with same day delivery possible to more than 90% of people living and working in th...

Flower Trends - Caramel Infusion

The name says it all — caramel, honey, toffee and an exotic elixir come home to a new realm of comfort colors. The aesthetic is subtle yet sublime, neutral but never dull. The look supports curves and softness. Our senses are lured not only by ...

A Guy's Guide To Giving Flowers

For the man who thinks "it's a jungle out there" when it comes to buying flowers, these simple tips will pave the way. Be Spontaneous. You don't have to wait for a special occasion to give flowers. In fact, flowers given for no reason other...

How Flowers Affect People's Moods

Science and Nature Unearth New Insights into Emotional HealthRutgers Behavioral Study Links Flowers and Life SatisfactionWith today's high-tech and fast-paced lifestyle taking its daily toll on our lives, experts advise exercise and other personal li...
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